NaviMoon is SpacePNT advanced autonomous GNSS receiver solution delivering <100 m accuracy at Moon distance and cutting the dependence on costly Earth infrastructure for Orbit Determination.
Unique Features
Highest autonomous positioning and timing precision
Super high-sensitivity acquisition and tracking algorithms allow receiving GNSS signals, even at Moon distance.
Advanced navigation algorithms integrated with precise orbital forces model can provide <100 m (3D rms) in cis-lunar space, fully autonomously.
Low cost and compact design
Based on a COTS-based “New Space” approach.
Implementing a radiation tolerant HW/SW/FW architecture.
Compact design (low size, weight, and power).
Upgradable and scalable
Supports both passive and active antennas.
In-flight FW/SW upgradability.
Unique platform solution for launchers, LEO, GEO, HEO, and Moon missions!
External LNA available on option.
Highly reliable architecture
Onboard orbital propagator for improved performance and availability.
Supports multiple GNSS (GPS, GALILEO) over multiple frequencies